Monday, December 19, 2011

Deformity = Love?

  Today was no different from every Monday since August 2011, I spent my day volunteering at the Hawaii Island Humane Society.  What was different though was the beautiful American Bully that was hidden away from the public in the surgery room.  Beautiful sky blue eyes, pristine white coat with a couple of brown spots on his back...he was a site to see.  Why wouldn't such a beautiful be placed for adoption?  He was born with extremely saddening birth defects: his entire lower extremities from the hips down were developed but his hips are facing down inabling to walk.  All he can do is drag his legs behind him; and, to make matters worse, both of his front are clubbed and he's partially blind.
  Undoubtedly he will be one of the few whose life was only spared because someone cared enough to try and keep him alive and healthy that he made it thus least 8 weeks old.  What I loved most was his spirit.  Although he has trouble moving around, he doesn't let that get him down and he keeps trying to move and play.
  It just really revived the humane compassion hidden in people's spirits that someone tried so hard for so long to try and save the little guy.  I have renewed faith in people that despite the way the economy is going and the state of most peoples lives, they still have a heart and are able to show some love and care to others (both people and species).

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